Album: Let It Go
Singer: Eptic, Dillon Francis
Label: Monstercat
Released: 2020-01-13
Duration: 03:16
Downloads: 107089
You′ve Got To Let It Go, Baby You've Got
To Let It Go You′ve Got To Let It
Go, Baby You've Got To Let It Go
Let Me See Your Hands Up Right Now (Right
Now, Right Now, Right Now, Right Now, Right Now)
(Right Now, Right Now, Right Now, Right Now, Right
Now) (Right Now, Right Now, Right Now, Right Now)
Turn Up The- You've Got To Let
It Go, Baby You′ve Got To Let It Go
You′ve Got To Let It Go, Baby You've Got
To Let It Go Let Me See Your
Hands Up Right Now (Right Now, Right Now, Right
Now, Right Now, Right Now) (Right Now, Right Now,
Right Now, Right Now, Right Now) (Right Now, Right
Now, Right Now, Right Now) Turn Up The-