Album: Where Can I Go
Singer: Liz Vice
Music: Micah Bournes, Elizabeth Vice
Label: Liz Vice Music
Released: 2018-06-01
Duration: 02:08
Downloads: 5002
Where Can I Go To Run From You? Where
Can I Go To Run From You? Where Can
I Go To Run From You? Where Can I
Go To Run From You? I′mma Go Spread
My Wings, I'mma Go Fly, I′mma Go Fly So
High I'mma Go Spread My Wings, I'mma Go Fly,
I′mma Go Fly So High I′mma Go Spread My
Wings, I'mma Go Fly, I′mma Go Fly So High
I'mma Go Spread My Wings, I′mma Go Fly, I'mma
Go Fly So High, Oh